TH2023 Ep 13 The History Divide

Season 2023 – Talk 13- The History Divide

In ‘The History Divide’ Margaret Denyer, Alan Freeland, Andrew Cole, David Simpson and Richard Thomas give their views on the question Whilst the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 ended the Allies war with Germany, did it lead to the outbreak of World War II in 1939?’

The Paris Peace Conference:

David Simpson opens by telling us about the Peace Conference and the key players.

Just four men, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, U. S. President Thomas Woodrow Wilson, French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau and Italian Premier Vittorio Orlando, known as the Big Four, control the discussions.

So what are the goals of the Allies? France wants revenge by weakening Germany, Britain wants to punish Germany, but with restraint. The U. S. has the most idealistic position wanting an end to imperialism and the creation of the League of Nations.

There is much conflict and much discussion, before they all agree.

The main 5 provisions:

The five main provisions are to:

  • Establish the League of Nations.
  • Reduce German armed forces.
  • Germany to accept full and sole responsibility for the war, the so called War Guilt Clause.
  • Germany to pay the Allies a sizeable sum in reparations. This figure will not be known until 1921.
  • A reduction in German territories and colonies which has far reaching implications well beyond the borders of Europe.

Our speakers discuss the financial implications of the treaty, the issues that the settlement has on many other nations and the League of Nations. At the end we leave it to you to decide whether it led to the Second World War or not.

Listen to the podcast and hear the whole story from our speakers.

About this podcast:

This is an edited recording of a talk given to the Farnham u3a World History: Ancient, Medieval and Modern  Group.

This podcast is also available through Amazon MusicApple PodcastsCastbox, DeezerPodchaserSpotifyStitcherVurbl , You Tube and others.

AKM Music licenses Media Magazine for use the music in this talk.

© The MrT Podcast Studio and Farnham u3a World History Group 2018 – 2024